

Discopathy combines different degrees and location of damage to the spine. In most cases it is due to degenerative and less often to traumatic changes of the smoothing vertebrae. The modern way of life determines a definite tendency to increase the frequency of...
In focus – knee injuries. Torn meniscus.

In focus – knee injuries. Torn meniscus.

The knee is back in the spotlight. Due to its anatomical location, it is a frequent object of domestic and sports accidents. Its main function is to shorten and lengthen the limb, as well as to position the foot correctly in space. This role often makes him...
Plantar fasciitis – 10 easy steps to overcome

Plantar fasciitis – 10 easy steps to overcome

Plantar fasciitis is associated with an overexertion syndrome with a local inflammatory response caused by trauma. Plantar fasciitis is characterized by pain localized at the base of the heel. The sensation of pain may be acute and occur abruptly after exercise, or it...
How to fight lateral epicondylitis

How to fight lateral epicondylitis

Lateral epicondylitis is an inflammation of the insertions of the extensor muscles of the forearm, due to monotonous monotonous movements. It affects people of active age, between 30-50 years old and is equally common among both sexes. Epicondylitis, also called...