We can help you get rid of the pain!

Manual therapy

Sports injuries


Training programs


Acute and chronic inflammation and pain
Sometimes pain is an integral part of our lives. Permanent or temporary, acute or chronic, occurring during active sports or even when we rest. It is the one that reminds us how fragile our health really is. It reports an imbalance in the body. Pain is your body’s signal to you. Take care of him with US!
We have high-class physiotherapy equipment that combines the latest in the world of physiotherapy and technology to quickly and effectively deal with pain and limitations.
- a comprehensive library of all known in medicine therapeutic currents;
- possibility for electrotherapy through an ultrasound head;
- large selection of diode and cluster emitters for laser therapy;
- full range of seven color filters for color therapy and Bioptron Pro
It means movement. It in itself is a powerful generator of healing processes in the body. But how to move, at what pace, rhythm and what forms of movement to perform in various injuries, pains and diseases is the subject of therapeutic exercise.

Holistic therapies
The holistic approach is oriented to the patient’s personality and looks at it comprehensively and thoroughly. Highly effective and gentle therapies based on this approach are used, the main purpose of which is to activate the healing power and the body’s potential to deal with pain and limitations of the musculoskeletal system.

Oriental therapies
They are expressed in the effect in the acupuncture points of the human body through the painless introduction of several – five to fifteen fine needles for therapeutic purposes. Fast and effective therapy for dealing with acute and chronic pain.