Cervical osteochondrosis

The cervical part is the most mobile segment of the spine, and its functional load is mainly dynamic. These are the prerequisites that make it the most vulnerable part of the spine. Cervical osteochondrosis is a degenerative disease, partly related to the natural aging processes and the appearance of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. A large part of the elderly and active population suffers from cervical osteochondrosis. Women are more often affected than men. The main prerequisite for affecting the younger among the active population is a sedentary lifestyle. Unfortunately, the nature of the disease lies not only in the pathological development, but also in the natural physiological degenerative destruction. Cervical osteochondrosis has a degenerative progressive nature that requires early diagnosis and an integrated treatment approach.

Occurrence of cervical osteochondrosis

The S-shaped shape of the spine is a gain only for the person and its loss is a sign of impaired function. The spine participates in the realization of the motor act of maintaining static muscle tension, necessary to overcome the gravity that acts on us. Posture maintenance is a complex process that involves the central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems. When the integrity and unity of the stabilizing factors is disturbed, the natural curve of the spine is also disturbed. Its architectural structure is designed to carry large vertical loads, and weakness is manifested by the action of horizontal forces.

The cervical region is composed of seven vertebrae, which provide great mobility. This mobility is a necessary condition for the natural movements of the head, which are caused by the directing of the gaze. It is the first to be affected in cervical osteochondrosis. This is followed by osteophytosis and consolidation of the vertebrae. They lose the ability to move relative to each other, and move as a block.

Prerequisites for the occurrence of cervical osteochondrosis can be:

  • prolonged occupation of a uniform position by the body
  • overweight
  • chronic stress and nervous tension
  • lack of motor activity
  • other diseases and injuries
шийна остеохондроза кинезиотейп


Symptoms develop slowly over time. The mobility of the vertebrae is affected. The function begins to suffer, and this gradually leads to pathology and structure. There is discomfort, which gradually grows into pain, stiffness and rigidity. The patient complains of periods of deterioration and improvement, which alternate periodically until a period of more severe deterioration and increase in complaints. They are often associated with weakness and tingling in the limbs, headaches and blackness. A patient who ignores these symptoms may develop vertebral syndrome or lumbago as a result of the progressive nature of the disease.

шийна остеохондроза ултразвук

Diagnosis and treatment

You can get an accurate diagnosis after consultation and examination by a neurologist. The examination includes taking a medical history, functional examinations and appointment of imaging ones at the discretion of the doctor and drug therapy. Physiotherapy and kinesitherapy are often a central part of the treatment of patients with cervical osteochondrosis. Their main purpose is to relieve pain symptoms, increase blood / lymph circulation and mobility in the affected area. And at a later stage to build a strong muscular corset to maintain the proper functionality of the spine and in particular the neck.

* This article is informative and cannot replace consultation with a doctor. Before starting treatment, be sure to consult a specialist.

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