Bones are living tissue that is constantly renewed depending on daily loads. Continuous renewal maintains their optimal strength. People who are active athletes have healthy bones. Their bone structure is characterized by better strength and architecture compared to that of non-athletes. Normally up to about 36 years of age, the cycle of absorption and resorption is balanced. At this age, the highest level of bone mass is reached. Cells called osteoplasts absorb bone, especially if the body needs calcium due to a deficiency. Other cells – osteoblasts build the bone substance. With age, the process of decomposition gradually begins to prevail. In women, absorption is also accelerated by menopause due to reduced levels of estrogen. This leads to a decrease in mineral content and mechanical strength, and is a prerequisite for easy fractures.
We offer golden rules for healthy bones:
Physical activity
It has a positive effect not only in terms of bone remodeling, but also in terms of building muscle strength, coordination and balance. These factors are a good prevention of falls, which are often associated with factors, especially in people with osteoporosis. Muscle contraction and the burden of body weight cause microdeformations in the bone. This stimulates the areas that increase bone density. The intensity of the load with the weight of the body must be in accordance with the age of the person and his state of health. The following sports would be suitable for middle-aged people: jogging, running, jumping rope, climbing, dancing and others. For the elderly activities such as walking, jogging, climbing stairs and more. Exercises against elastic resistance, exercises with dumbbells or loads with own weight (squats, push-ups) are suitable for building muscle strength. The minimum recommended physical activity should be at least 30 minutes a day.
Eat foods rich in calcium
Calcium is the main building block for your skeletal system and is part of your teeth, nails and hair. The body normally contains about 120 g of calcium, 89% of which is concentrated in the bones. The mineral component of bone tissue is in a state of constant renewal. It plays the role of a depot of calcium and phosphorus, from which the body extracts them in case of insufficient food intake. The recommended daily dose is 800 mg for children, 1000 mg for adults and 1200 mg for the elderly. It is important to eat foods that are not just rich in calcium. Calcium is optimally absorbed at a calcium-phosphorus ratio of 1: 1.3 and a calcium-magnesium ratio of 1: 0.5. In this regard, products with the best ratio are: lettuce, rice, eggs, carrots, beets, cabbage, cottage cheese, leeks and others.
Sunbathing for more vitamin D
Frequent exposure to moderate sun strengthens the skeletal system by stimulating calcium absorption. It also maintains the density of the valuable mineral in the bones. Vitamin D also helps absorb calcium and phosphorus from the small intestine, strengthens bone tissue and provides strength to teeth and nails. The daily requirement of vitamin D is 100 m, and a high content of vitamin is observed in cereals, green leaves, eggs, butter, milk and others.
Ensure the optimal amount of zinc
Zinc is an important trace element. Bone tissue contains up to 20% of all zinc. The rate of incorporation of zinc into bone tissue is much higher than that of calcium. It stays in the bones more firmly than in the soft tissues and prevents wear. It is taken in small quantities, and natural sources are: flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, beef, shrimp and others.
Maintain a stable weight
Try to maintain a healthy weight that matches your height and age. Excess weight burdens the bone structures, provoking wear and weakness. Weakness provokes the body to expend more energy, extracting it from muscle tissue. This leads to loss of macro and micronutrients from the skeletal system.
Eliminate bad habits
Consumption of caffeine, carbonated beverages, alcohol and smoking rob your body of valuable nutrients and intoxicate it.
In conclusion
Eat healthy. Eat foods rich in fiber, vitamins, protein and minerals. Fortunately, there is a wide variety of foods and physical activities to keep your bones healthy, and remember that it is never sooner or later to start doing so.