Clinical cases from our practice

Anterior cruciate ligament
We show you an enviable joint volume of movement and muscle strength of the quadriceps after PCV surgery. Two days before thread removal. Determinant in this case is the preoperative and early postoperative rehabilitation, the benefits of which we have informed you many times. Here are some of them:
1. Reduces pain
2. Reduces swelling
3. Normalizes muscle spasm
4. Restores the mobility of soft tissues and joints
5. Improves the support function of the affected unit and the natural locomotion
6. You get acquainted in detail with the postoperative protocols and terms for recovery according to the course of the operative intervention

Examination and analysis of the posture is a mandatory part of the health-preventive and curative care we provide for our patients. This not only sets us apart from the rest, but helps us to find the root of the problem and is the foundation in building individual therapeutic gymnastics.
This is a laborious process and here are the reasons why:
1. The set of exercises should be short and specific. To properly target the area of dysfunction and pain. Make it easy to implement and not take much time.
2. It should be consistent with the dysfunction you have, as well as any comorbidities.
3. The exercises must have an applied and strength character and involve the body in functional motor models.
4. To have a corrective character, correct dosage and rhythm of performance.
5. They should be tailored to your body type, age, training, etc.

Anterior cruciate ligament
* reduced swelling and pain
* increased joint mobility and muscle strength
* improved joint function.
Pictured: reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament before suturing.

Intercostal neuralgia
Intercostal neuralgia in a patient with extremely well-developed back muscles, with a normal curvature of the spine. The reason: overtraining! It can occur when the body loses its capacity to recover after an intense training regimen. Improper nutrition, regeneration and emotional stress can trigger the process.

– light therapy Bioptron;
– laser acupuncture;
– perceptual osteopathy.
Our patient made 5 visits to us, and after the third she reported that the heaviness, headache and secretions had stopped.
Here is what the patient shares about us:
“I am very grateful to Gerry for being so careful, so concerned and adequate in the treatment of the rather severe sinusitis I was suffering from. The day I started, I was told that I would go to the hospital if there was no improvement. On the third day. after the therapy at Physio Be Active I felt extremely well. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! “

Dislocated shoulder
– lack of good physical preparation, with subsequent distribution of the terrain;
– weak muscles of the shoulder girdle and upper back;
– anatomical prerequisites

Hip endoprosthesis
Endoprosthesis is a severe surgical intervention that is required after wear and tear of the hip joint, necrosis of the femoral neck or fractures in the area. These surgeries are performed in elderly patients and aim to improve the quality of life.
Kinesitherapy plays an important role in terms of functional recovery of the limb and easier overcoming of postoperative pain, swelling, muscle imbalance and weakness.

Diastasis of the abdominal muscles
Kinesiotape application in diastasis of the abdominal muscles. It is an unnaturally distant abdominal muscle as a result of relaxation and loosening of the connective tissue in the area of the linea alba. Treatment of rectal diastasis consists of a set of physical exercises to strengthen the abdominal wall, pelvic floor, posture correction and diet.
More on the topic here.

Armpit bone fracture with metal osteosynthesis
Three-stage fracture of the diaphysis of the humerus distally. Posttraumatic peripheral trunk damage of the radial nerve is present. The treatment was solved surgically with metal osteosynthesis. Functional recovery depends on early postoperative rehabilitation and collaboration between specialists (neurologist, orthopedic surgeon and physiotherapist).
You can read more about fractures, osteoporosis and treatment here.

Torn meniscus
Kinesiotape application for arthroscopy after meniscal injury. The knee joint is often affected by sports injuries. It can take several weeks to a month to return to activities. In the photo: our patient, a football referee from “A” group. You can read more about meniscal injuries here.

Ankle fracture with metal osteosynthesis
How much and how to load is extremely decisive.

Wrist fracture with metal osteosynthesis
“With the professional support I received from the Physio Be Active Center, my almost immobile broken wrist was completely restored. Very friendly and friendly relationship presented by an expert in the field. I highly recommend it!”