Sports injuries
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Many sports injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system are successfully treated surgically. Well-planned, reflecting individual characteristics, kinesitherapy is an essential part of preoperative and postoperative care and the success of surgical intervention largely depends on it.

Traumatic and inflammatory injuries of muscles and tendons
This group combines damage to the tendons, muscle-tendon transitions and the muscles themselves. Prerequisite for the occurrence of tendon injuries are: microtrauma, taking a static working position, improper loading. The process proceeds with pain, swelling, redness and reduced motor function. Muscle tissue injuries occur in the event of a sudden force contraction, leading to partial or complete muscle rupture. They are accompanied by pain, swelling, loss of function and asymmetry, relative to the unaffected part.
Physiotherapy and rehabilitation can help effectively with both tendon and muscle damage by eliminating pain and inflammation and restoring motor function.
These are common injuries and relate exclusively to the ankle and shoulder joints. They are an abnormal movement in which the joint crosses the boundaries of normal mobility. The joint capsule is overstretched, and the ligaments are affected from a degree of overstretching to a degree of rupture. Bone dislocation is possible, but not required. The process proceeds with pain, swelling, loss of motor function, hematoma. Depending on the degree of damage, the period of treatment and recovery are different. But in each of them, kinesitherapy and physiotherapy can intervene adequately and speed up the recovery period. For prevention of this type of injury, read in our blog.

Heel pain / plantar fasciitis
It is an inflammation and micro-rupture of the plantar fascia near the calcaneus. It supports the arches of the foot and plays an important role in terms of the stability of the foot – it lengthens when you step and shortens when you load the foot. The mechanism of its damage is associated with repetitive microtrauma, sudden weight gain, inadequate load, shortened Achilles. Deep pain in the heel is characteristic, which leads to difficulty stepping.
Physiotherapy and rehabilitation can successfully deal with tissue inflammation.

Partially or completely torn knee ligaments
The anatomical position of the knee makes it susceptible to injury, especially in contact sports such as football and others. The stability of the knee depends exclusively on the strength of the thigh muscles and knee ligaments. The most common sports injury is the rupture of the PCV (anterior-cruciate ligament), which impairs joint stability. Trauma leads to loss of motor activity. There is pain and swelling on the face. The surgical approach is often chosen for treatment. More information on the topic can be found on our blog page.
Rehabilitation plays an important role in the recovery process and is crucial to the successful recovery.
This is a condition associated with impaired bone integrity. It usually occurs as a result of a severe traumatic blow, and osteoporosis is a prerequisite for the occurrence of a fracture. Bone fragments can be dislocated, displaced, fragmented (multifragment fracture). Fractures are found associated with bone integrity and closed. They are treated surgically and conservatively with subsequent plaster immobilization and rehabilitation.
Overtraining can affect both professional athletes and amateurs alike. It occurs after great physical and mental strain associated with unrealistic expectations of over-results in the short term. The chaotic training process, poor nutrition and improper training-rest ratio, provoke changes in the body creating prerequisites for poor functionality and hide the risk of sports injuries.
Mastering the process requires revision of the training and diet and balancing the body.